
about this website
perspectival phenomenalism
aspect realism
demystifying Husserl's transcendence of the object
software and the ontological horizon
notes on perspectival phenomenalism
time as substance (being as time)
preface to aspect phenomenalism
spirit as OS
phenomenalism as the basis of phenomenology
informal notes on immaterialism
phenomenalism / ontology / absurdism
epistolary retrospective summary
phenomenalism : aspect and representation
the things of the world are shattered
aspects of the forum
on the priority of belief (against truth)
logical-intentional objects and transcendence
the world streams in thru my eyes
j. s. mill against noumenal goo
semantic phenomenalism, a defense of the lifeworld against theorists
an informal epistolary summary
the lifeworld
j s mill's phenomenalism
phenomenology without consciousness
aspect ontology
against physicalism
notes on ontological cubism
the ontological horizon
time : the nothingness of every entity
the world as the logical unity of its sides
a sketch of neophenomenalism
we do not seek truth
first-person-ness of the world
transcendence in husserl
letter to a friend (aspectualism)
letter to a friend (panenexperientialism)
aspects of the one
historicity and phenomenalism
bracketing is pragmatic
distance from the theory
ARCHIVE (additional essays)